Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

The missing course

loscar20 | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
17 Febrero, 2024

After having completed the Back and Site course, I found myself with the need to acquire knowledge in the Front area. I decided to opt for Forcontu's Front course, and I must say that, like the other courses on the platform, this one is perfectly suited to the needs of both beginners and those who already have some experience in the subject. There is always something new to learn or something that is very useful for day-to-day work.

As far as the course content is concerned, it is true... [leer más]

Mejorando en Site Builder

juan_florez | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Site Building
05 Febrero, 2024

Espero que este mensaje lo encuentre bien. Quería expresar mi más sincero agradecimiento por el curso Drupal 10 Site Builder. El contenido no sólo era informativo, sino que también mejoró mis habilidades de manera significativa. Me ha servido para refrescar mis conocimientos de años anteriores de experiencia profesional.

El libro que lo acompañaba fue increíblemente útil, ya que proporcionaba explicaciones claras, y los ejercicios propuestos en las actividades me permitieron aplicar la... [leer más]

Improving Site Builder

juan_florez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
05 Febrero, 2024

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the Drupal 10 Site Builder course. The content was not only informative but also enhanced my skills significantly. It served as a valuable refresher, consolidating my knowledge from previous years of professional experience.

The accompanying book was incredibly helpful, providing clear explanations, and the proposed exercises in the activities allowed me to apply theory into practice effectively.

... [leer más]

Essential course if you want to go deeper into drupal backend

jojedap | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
09 Enero, 2024

It is a good course to deepen, part of some basic notions of php and sql, and goes deep into the various topics that make up the back end of Drupal. It is a very extensive course that requires great dedication and effort. It has helped me to clarify many concepts that I will put into practice in my current job as a drupal developer. I had already done the site buiding course and I had knowledge about front end, so this course has helped me to eliminate deficiencies that I had in the back end... [leer más]

Curso imprescindible si quieres profundizar en la backend de drupal

jojedap | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Back-End
09 Enero, 2024

Es un buen curso para profundizar, parte de unas nociones básicas de php y sql, y va profundizando en las distintas temáticas que componen la back end de Drupal. Es un curso muy extenso que requiere una gran dedicación y esfuerzo. Me ha servido para aclarar muchos conceptos que pondré en práctica en mi actual trabajo de desarrollador de drupal. Había realizado ya el de site buiding y tenía conocimientos sobre front end, con lo que este curso me ha servido para eliminar carencias que tenía en... [leer más]

Very good course to learn and reinforce knowledge

ismaeltrujillo | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
07 Enero, 2024

It is a course that comes in handy both for complete beginners and for more advanced people, because there can always be things that you have not used so far, and others, which is good to reinforce, especially many modules and functions that are very useful and that greatly facilitates the work.

Thanks to this course I have been able to learn things that will be useful in my day to day work.

I will recommend this course to any of my colleagues at work or school, as it is... [leer más]

Curso muy bueno para aprender y reforzar conocimientos

ismaeltrujillo | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Site Building
07 Enero, 2024

Es un curso que viene muy bien tanto para perfiles totalmente novatos como para personas más avanzadas, ya que, siempre puede haber cosas que no has utilizado hasta el momento, y otras, que viene bien reforzar, sobretodo muchos módulos y funciones que son de mucha utilidad y que facilita mucho el trabajo.

Gracias a éste curso he podido aprender cosas que me serán de utilidad en mi día a día en el trabajo.

Recomendaré que realizase éste curso a cualquiera de mis... [leer más]

Learning Drupal with Forcontu

rapindrive | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
31 Diciembre, 2023

Another course from the hand of Fran and Forcontu

In the day to day it is very difficult to work with everything that Drupal can bring you, so you have to look for a reinforcement from time to time to catch up and remember features that over time can be forgotten. This is where I get the most out of Forcontu's courses, because with them I can keep up to date and learn new things.

All with detailed explanations and in a very pleasant way so that it is very entertaining. It is true... [leer más]

Aprendiendo Drupal con Forcontu

rapindrive | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Front-End
31 Diciembre, 2023

Otro curso más de la mano de Fran y Forcontu

En el día a día es muy difícil poder trabajar con todo lo que Drupal puede aportarte, entonces uno tiene que buscar un refuerzo de vez en cuando para poder ponerte al día y recordar funcionalidades que con el tiempo pueden olvidarse. Aquí es donde saco todo el jugo a los cursos de Forcontu, ya que con ellos puedo mantenerme al día y de paso aprender cosas nuevas.

Todo con explicaciones detalladas y de manera muy amena para que sea... [leer más]

Essential Reinforcement Course

JoseIgnacioFernándezSeda | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
13 Diciembre, 2023

It clearly gives a broad overview of what can be done with Drupal. The numerous real-world practical examples have proven to be very useful, significantly accelerating job performance. It has provided me with the necessary resources to successfully face new challenges.

Although Drupal has been a personal challenge, commitment and dedication have become key allies in overcoming any obstacle. Perseverance is reflected in the progress made, and the support received from people like Fran... [leer más]

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