Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

My experience with the course

AdaptadorDeCorriente | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
16 Julio, 2021

I have never liked content management systems too much. I came for the needs of the project and some topics have been very long (I think that in some points there are too many exercises or very long exercises).my experience with this course very good and intense. Finally I have been able to finish it, I had no professional experience with Drupal, although I had some previous knowledge. This is the second module I've done, the first one was about site building, which I was very happy with.... [leer más]

Mi experiencia con el curso

AdaptadorDeCorriente | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End
16 Julio, 2021

A mí nunca me han gustado demasiado los gestores de contenido. Venía por necesidades del proyecto y se me han hecho muy largos algunos temas (creo que en algunos puntos hay demasiados ejercicios o ejercicios muy largos).Mi experiencia con este curso muy buena e intensa. Por fin he podido terminarlo, no tenía experiencia profesional con Drupal, aunque si algún conocimiento previo. Este es el segundo módulo que realizo, el primero fué de de site building, del que quedé muy contento.

... [leer más]

My experience with Drupal 9 Site Building

Bryan55 | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
08 Julio, 2021

My experience with the Drupal site building books has been good.
It is an easy to understand book because they explain it well, maybe in several chapters it is a bit heavy, but in general it is well explained.
The activities are good, there are a variety of activities from which you learn a lot, although there are some that become repetitive, but overall good, without many problems.
The tutors have always been there to solve problems, and they are very helpful.
... [leer más]

Mi experiencia en Drupal 9 Site Building

Bryan55 | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
08 Julio, 2021

Mi experiencia con los libros de Drupal site building ha sido buena.
Es un libro facil de entender ya que lo explican bien, puede que en varios capitulos sea algo pesado, pero en general esta bien explicado.
Las actividades son buenas, se realiza una gran variedad de actividades de las que  se aprende bastante, aunque hay algunas que se hacen repetitivas, pero en general bien, sin muchos problemas.
Los tutores han estado siempre ahi para solucionar los problemas, y son de gran... [leer más]

Completing D9BD

miguelangelguzman | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
07 Julio, 2021

I am finishing the Drupal Expert module in Drupal 8 Back End Development. I have not programmed for many years and the truth is that I thought it was going to cost me more, but thanks to the patience of the tutors and the books, the practices are done correctly. In general this module is fundamental to be able to create internal programming structures within Drupal. I have many ideas that I hope to put into practice.

I have to admit that this module has been harder because of the... [leer más]

Finalizando D9BD

miguelangelguzman | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End
07 Julio, 2021


Estoy finalizando el módulo de Drupal Experto en Drupal 8 Back End Development... [leer más]

Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End

Juanma2245 | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End
29 Junio, 2021

En mi experiencia los libros han sido muy facies de entender y una lectura muy llevadera ya que en otros casos me ha pasado que la lectura me parece muy pesada, en cuanto a los tutores siempre han estado a la hora de necesitar una mano o una ayuda para completar una actividad, incluso en mi caso que la diferencia horaria dificulta esta tarea nunca he tenido problemas para comunicarme con ellos

Las actividades complementan perfectamente el las unidades de los libros ya que aplicas... [leer más]

Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End

Juanma2245 | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
29 Junio, 2021

In my experience the books have been very easy to understand and a very bearable reading since in other cases it has happened to me that the reading seems very heavy, as for the tutors they have always been there when I needed a hand or help to complete an activity, even in my case that the time difference makes this task difficult I have never had problems communicating with them.

The activities complement perfectly the units of the books since you apply directly what you have just... [leer más]

Experiencia D9 Site building

lopez.h.sonia | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
22 Junio, 2021

Acabo de arrancar con el master en Drupal. He comenzado con la parte de Site Building y me parece un curso muy completo. Me ha ayudado a tener una visión mucho más completa de qué cosas se pueden llegar a hacer con Drupal desde la parte de site building.  Ha sido una experiencia que recomiendo par todos aquellos que quieran iniciarse en Drupal o que ya cuenten con una experiencia previa. Pero, es cierto que requiere de tiempo y dedicación.

A pesar de que me he atascado con alguna que... [leer más]

Experience D9 Site Building

lopez.h.sonia | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
22 Junio, 2021

I have just started with the Drupal master. I have started with the Site Building part and I find it a very complete course. It has helped me to have a much more complete vision of what things can be done with Drupal from the site building part.  It has been an experience that I recommend to all those who want to get started in Drupal or who already have previous experience. But, it is true that it requires time and dedication.

Although I got stuck with some activities, it has been... [leer más]

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