Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

Experiencias de Formación en Drupal

Mi experiencia con el curso Drupal 9 Back-End

Jordi09 | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End
05 Marzo, 2022

Mi experiencia con el curso ha sido al final gratificante. Me ha costado mucho adaptarme a drupal, pero no hay nada que con esfuerzo y dedicación se pueda resolver. Hay que dedicarle su tiempo.

He aprendido hasta lo más básico a lo más complejo. También me ha ayudado a enfrentar a problemas y encontrar la mejor solución. Eso al final del día cuenta mcho. 

Empezó todo con un yo con muy poca experiencia y sé ha transformado en otro yo con mucha experiencia en Drupal 9. Ahora veo el... [leer más]

My experience in the course "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building".

ronald urquidi | Drupal |
28 Febrero, 2022

My experience with the course has been very good overall.

The drupal 9 book "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building", which accompanies the course is very well structured and is a great support in the progress of the course, also has many references to external links if we want to expand more on a particular topic.

Fran (course teacher), responds to questions and gives possible solutions to students as quickly as possible, usually responds the next day to make learning as smooth as... [leer más]

My experience in the course "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building".

ronald urquidi | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
28 Febrero, 2022

My experience with the course has been very good overall.

The drupal 9 book "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building", which accompanies the course is very well structured and is a great support in the progress of the course, also has many references to external links if we want to expand more on a particular topic.

Fran (course teacher), responds to questions and gives possible solutions to students as quickly as possible, usually responds the next day to make learning as smooth as... [leer más]

My experience in the course "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building".

ronald urquidi | Drupal |
28 Febrero, 2022

My experience with the course has been very good overall.

The drupal 9 book "Expert in Drupal 9. Site Building", which accompanies the course is very well structured and is a great support in the progress of the course, also has many references to external links if we want to expand more on a particular topic.

Fran (course teacher), responds to questions and gives possible solutions to students as quickly as possible, usually responds the next day to make learning as smooth as... [leer más]

Mi experiencia del curo "Experto en Drupal 9. Site Building"

ronald urquidi | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
28 Febrero, 2022

Mi experiencia con el curso a sido muy buena en general.

El libro de drupal 9 "Experto en Drupal 9. Site Building", que acompaña al curso esta muy bien estructurado y es un gran apoyo en el avance del curso, también tiene muchas referencias a enlaces externos si queremos ampliar mas un tema determinado.

Fran (profesor del curso), responde a las dudas y da posibles soluciones a los alumnos tan rápido como es posible, normalmente responde al día siguiente para que el aprendizaje... [leer más]

Mi experiencia del curso

nelli | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
26 Febrero, 2022

Buenas tardes a todos,

Estoy muy contenta de haber tenido esta experiencia. Aunque al principio no he podido seguir el ritmo adecuado del curso por temas personales, gracias a la modalidad online y la arquitectura del curso he podido retomarlo más adelante sin ningún problema.

Me ha parecido un curso muy práctico y aunque ya he trabajado con Drupal, he aprendido mucho en el curso. Contenido muy bien explicado, con ejercicios muy detallados. Sobre todo me ha gustado la oportunidad... [leer más]

My experience of the course

nelli | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
26 Febrero, 2022

Good afternoon everyone,

I am very happy to have had this experience. Although at the beginning I could not follow the proper pace of the course due to personal issues, thanks to the online mode and the architecture of the course I have been able to resume it later without any problem.

I found it a very practical course and although I have already worked with Drupal, I have learned a lot in the course. Content very well explained, with very detailed exercises. Above all I liked... [leer más]

Mi experiencia aprendiendo Drupal

EvaDelriuBelma | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
25 Febrero, 2022


Aunque ya hace años que trabajo con Druplal, siempre lo había utilizado a nivel de editor y maquetación de sitio pero nunca había profundizado tanto, ni sabía el potencial que tenía. En este sentido, estoy muy contenta de haber hecho el curso y he aprendido un montón. Ahora sé qué prestaciones tiene y hasta dónde podemos llegar!

... [leer más]

My experience learning Drupal

EvaDelriuBelma | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
25 Febrero, 2022

Although I have been working with Drupla for years, I had always used it as a site editor and layout, but I had never gone so deep, nor knew the potential it had. In this sense, I am very happy to have taken the course and I have learned a lot. Now I know what features it has and how far we can go!

Regarding the course itself: The methodology, taking into account that the course is done individually and from home, is well thought out so that the student can progress at his own pace.... [leer más]

Drupal 9 Back-End Development Expert

Diana Alfonso | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
28 Enero, 2022

I am very grateful to Forcontu and especially to the tutor Fran, who was always available for questions in record time.

It is a dense course, I found it quite interesting and complete. if you organize yourself the 6 months are enough. It is flexible, you have a good margin of error to problems you can't solve, and a good amount of options to final exercises.

It has been a review from php to very deep aspects of drupal.  You go one by one through all the functionalities,... [leer más]

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