Drupal Training Experiences

Drupal Training Experiences

Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End

Juanma2245 | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Back-End
29 June, 2021

En mi experiencia los libros han sido muy facies de entender y una lectura muy llevadera ya que en otros casos me ha pasado que la lectura me parece muy pesada, en cuanto a los tutores siempre han estado a la hora de necesitar una mano o una ayuda para completar una actividad, incluso en mi caso que la diferencia horaria dificulta esta tarea nunca he tenido problemas para comunicarme con ellos

Las actividades complementan perfectamente el las unidades de los libros ya que aplicas... [leer más]

Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End

Juanma2245 | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
29 June, 2021

In my experience the books have been very easy to understand and a very bearable reading since in other cases it has happened to me that the reading seems very heavy, as for the tutors they have always been there when I needed a hand or help to complete an activity, even in my case that the time difference makes this task difficult I have never had problems communicating with them.

The activities complement perfectly the units of the books since you apply directly what you have just... [leer más]

Experiencia D9 Site building

lopez.h.sonia | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
22 June, 2021

Acabo de arrancar con el master en Drupal. He comenzado con la parte de Site Building y me parece un curso muy completo. Me ha ayudado a tener una visión mucho más completa de qué cosas se pueden llegar a hacer con Drupal desde la parte de site building.  Ha sido una experiencia que recomiendo par todos aquellos que quieran iniciarse en Drupal o que ya cuenten con una experiencia previa. Pero, es cierto que requiere de tiempo y dedicación.

A pesar de que me he atascado con alguna que... [leer más]

Experience D9 Site Building

lopez.h.sonia | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
22 June, 2021

I have just started with the Drupal master. I have started with the Site Building part and I find it a very complete course. It has helped me to have a much more complete vision of what things can be done with Drupal from the site building part.  It has been an experience that I recommend to all those who want to get started in Drupal or who already have previous experience. But, it is true that it requires time and dedication.

Although I got stuck with some activities, it has been... [leer más]

Completo curso de Site Building

alconmar | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
15 June, 2021


Me ha gustado haber realizado esta parte de Site Building del Master, ya que lo veo necesario para comprender bien el cambio de paradigma de Drupal 9.

Desde el punto de... [leer más]

Un curso muy práctico

JosebaArrutiUria | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
15 June, 2021

Me ha gustado el curso por varias razones que voy a enumerar a continuación.

-Las tareas del curso creo que son muy acertadas, bien guiadas y subiendo de nivel por cada paso que se da. Al ser el robot el que corrige las tareas da la oportunidad de poder hacer el curso cuando mejor nos parece (muy importante si además estas trabajando).

-El curso del site building me ha dado una visión un poco más general, ya que por mis estudios cada vez que he tenido que hacer algo de este tipo... [leer más]

A very practical course

JosebaArrutiUria | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
15 June, 2021

I liked the course for several reasons that I will list below.

-The tasks of the course I think are very successful, well guided and rising level for each step that is given. Being the robot the one who corrects the tasks gives the opportunity to be able to do the course when it seems best to us (very important if you are also working).

-The site building course has given me a little more general vision, since by my studies every time I have had to do something of this type, I... [leer más]

Complete Site Building course

alconmar | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
15 June, 2021

I liked to have done this Site Building part of the Master, because I think it is necessary to understand the paradigm shift of Drupal 9.

From the programmer's point of view you can see how different tasks can be done in different ways and without having to chop code.

Mainly it has helped me a lot to use the composer console tool to download and install the modules later with drush.

It is a very complete course and has quite complex parts, so you have to put a lot of effort... [leer más]

Very good course

alejolumend | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
14 June, 2021

A very complete course, from zero to advanced level, very happy to have done this course.

The course is practical, from unit 1 to the last one, we are doing all the tasks... I made me a cheat sheet of important modules to use in my future projects. I am really looking forward to start module 2 of the master.

A few years ago I had started the course with Drupal 8, at that time my knowledge was 0 ... it was a very good introduction but I did not complete it 100% ... now I took it... [leer más]

Muy buen curso

alejolumend | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
14 June, 2021

Un curso muy completo, desde cero hasta un nivel avanzado, muy contento de haber hecho este curso.

El curso es práctico, desde la unidad 1 hasta la última, vamos realizando todas las tareas... me hice una chuleta... [leer más]

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