Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End Development (online training)

A practical and tutored method to master Drupal 10 at the Back-End Development level.

Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End Development
  • Tutored online course
  • 100% practical
  • eBooks with updates
  • Continuous Assessment Activities
  • Final project
  • Certification
  • Forcontu Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End Development

Become an expert in Drupal 10 module development. Get to know the Drupal API in depth using the main development tools.

Back-End development in Drupal 10 refers to the programming of modules and components that allow extending the functionality of the system. It is mainly object-oriented PHP programming, although we will also see other technologies needed during the development of a web project.

This course is now available Start today!


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Domain the Drupal 10 Site Building course

Sergio T. Fontal | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
05 March, 2025
The Forcontu Drupal 10 Site Building course provides a solid foundation for creating and managing websites without programming. It covers the extensive tool that is Drupal in a structured and detailed way. The materials provided and practical exercises greatly reinforce and strengthen the learning.... [leer más]


EvaBlazquez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
20 February, 2025
Good morning !The course is very complete and allows you to learn a lot about Drupal.  It is incredible the amount of things you can do and in a simple way, and the amount of modules that exist.  I have learned a lot about Drupal and how to organize a website.I loved the follow-up of the course,... [leer más]

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