Expert in Drupal 7 course. Full (Online)

Drupal training

A practical and tutored method to become an expert in Drupal 7

  • Tutored online course
  • 7 months (420 hours certified)
  • 60 units on 3 levels
  • Ongoing evaluation of activities
  • Project end, evaluation and certification
  • Certification in Drupal with Forcontu 

Dossier of the course in PDF Download 2013-2014 brochure in PDF


One of the great challenges that we face when using Drupal is, without doubt, overcome the steep learning curve. Mastering Drupal is a costly goal and it requires effort and dedication.

With more than 2 years of experience in training in Drupal 6, Forcontu launches experto en Drupal 7, a training plan improved and expanded to empower professionals in web development in Drupal 7.

The expert in Drupal 7 is divided into 3 modules or training levels (initial, intermediate, and advanced) and requires knowledge of programming. People who do not have programming skills may be the course of creation and management of web portals with Drupal 7: initial and intermediate levels.


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antonioluquepar | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
08 December, 2024
I have had the opportunity to enjoy Forcontu's complete Site Building course, and I must say that it is, without a doubt, one of the best options to learn, improve and consolidate your knowledge about Drupal. The practical approach of the course and the clarity of the materials make learning... [leer más]


aolvera | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
08 December, 2024
Drupal is a very broad CMS and offers many tools. Then, you find a huge list of contributed modules from the community that each time contributes more and more to complete it even more. Then you can customize it to your liking and create your own modules or adapt those that you think you can... [leer más]

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