Drupal Training Experiences

Drupal Training Experiences

Mi Experiencia en Forcontu

JavierRomero | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
07 November, 2021

Hola, recomiendo este curso de drupal backend, resulto muy claro y sencillo de seguir, con una metodologia muy comoda, siempre me han contestado las dudas via email o via foro. Se ha hecho un repaso desde php hasta aspectos muy profundos de drupal, realmente quede muy conforme y no hace falta decir que he aprendido mucho, 
Mi experiencia se remonta a la epoca de drupal 6 cuando hice mis primeras experiencias, luego obtuve un trabajo con drupal 7, el salto a drupal 8/9 no lo podria haber... [leer más]

Mi experiencia

LuisDavidHernandez | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
07 November, 2021


La verdad es que el curso es bastante sencillo y práctico, el uso del bot permite hacer las correcciones automáticamente aunque hay veces que puede fallar. 

Lo recomendo 100% para conocer los principales usos de Drupal y poder explotar su potencial con mínimo uso de código o desarrollo. Yo tengo ya cierta experiencia trabajando con Drupal 8 y a nivel de site-building es tremendamente similar por lo que me ha costado poco seguir las indicaciones de cada tarea y entender... [leer más]

My experience

LuisDavidHernandez | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
07 November, 2021

Good morning, 

The truth is that the course is quite simple and practical, the use of the bot allows to make corrections automatically although there are times that can fail. 

I recommend it 100% to know the main uses of Drupal and to be able to exploit its potential with minimal use of code or development. I already have some experience working with Drupal 8 and at the site-building level it is very similar so it has been very easy to follow the indications of each task and... [leer más]

My Forcontu Experience

JavierRomero | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Back-End
07 November, 2021

Hello, I recommend this drupal backend course, it was very clear and easy to follow, with a very comfortable methodology, they have always answered my questions via email or via forum. It has been a review from php to very deep aspects of drupal, I was really very satisfied and needless to say that I learned a lot, 
My experience goes back to the time of drupal 6 when I made my first experiences, then I got a job with drupal 7, the jump to drupal 8/9 I could not have given without the... [leer más]

Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building

SergioAmateForte | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
02 November, 2021

Good, my opinion about this Drupal 9 Site Building course is that it is quite good because it is very flexible as you can manage yourself the pace of the course itself. I already had a certain level in Ste Building, I think it has helped me to know how the different parts of Drupal are connected, ie, what implications does each thing that is created and where it can be used.

You also learn a lot about features that I didn't know before and that are very good.

In short, it offers... [leer más]


SergioAmateForte | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
02 November, 2021

Buenas, mi opinion acerca de este curso de Site Building de Drupal 9 es que está bastante bien ya que es muy flexible al poder gestionar tu mismo el ritmo del propio curso. Yo que ya contaba con cierto nivel en Ste Building, creo que me ha servido para conocer como se conectan las distintas partes de Drupal, es decir, que implicaciones tiene cada cosa que se crea y donde se puede utilizar.

Tambien se aprende mucho acerca de funcionalidades que no conocia antes y que son muy buenas.... [leer más]

Máster in Drupal 9

fjmurillo | Drupal 9 | Master in Drupal 9
01 November, 2021

After having completed the master in drupal 9 I draw several conclusions from it:

  • At a general level a very complete course with a support documentation of great help not only for the realization of the same but for use in future projects.
  • With a good base of drupal 7 and 8 the course can be done in less hours than the stipulated of the same that if recommendable to go day by day advancing with the same,
  • The backend course is quite complete and where you have to... [leer más]

Resumen Master Drupal 9

fjmurillo | Drupal 9 | Máster en Drupal 9
01 November, 2021

Después de haber realizado el master en drupal 9 saco varias conclusiones del mismo:

  • A nivel general un curso muy completo con una documentación de apoyo de gran ayuda no sólo para realización del mismo sino para un uso en futuros proyectos.
  • Con una buena base de drupal 7 y 8 el curso se puede realizar en menos horas de las estipuladas del mismo eso si recomentable el ir dia a dia avanzando con el mismo,
  • El curso de backend es bastante completo y donde mas horas... [leer más]

Highly recommended training

jojedap | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
20 October, 2021

Although I already had experience in drupal 6, 7 and some of 8; this course has made me update my knowledge because I had been somewhat disconnected for a couple of years. I consider vital that the course is eminently practical, apart from the general review of the main modules of the core of drupal 9 and contributed modules, this course has helped me to familiarize myself with composer and drush through the terminal. The course is highly recommended for anyone starting from scratch and not... [leer más]

Formación muy recomendable

jojedap | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
20 October, 2021

Aunque ya tenía experiencia en drupal 6, 7 y algo de 8; este curso me ha hecho actualizar mis conocimientos pues llevaba un par de años algo desconectado. Considero vital que el cuso... [leer más]

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