Drupal Training Experiences

Drupal Training Experiences

DebraG's picture

My First Drupal Site (a link)

DebraG | Drupal 7 | Expert in Drupal 7
21 June, 2015

Here's a link to my first Drupal site, humlafund.org.  The gallery was a challenge.  The client wanted a gallery with both a slider and a thumbnail slider. I ended up choosing to us Views Gallery and the JCarousel.plugin and I'm pleased with the result.  Another nice trick was adding page-specific background images, which was accomplished via Contexts by adding body classes to specific paths.  It was a great experience.  I love the power and flexibility... [read more]

Joe Stramel's picture

My Drupal Experience

Joe Stramel | Drupal 7 | Expert in Drupal 7
20 June, 2015

Thank you for reading my blog post about my experience with Drupal.  I have been working with Drupal for a little over two years, and have previously built a Drupal site for my employer.  I identified an area of our business that was operating with significant inefficiencies.  I realized that by using a content management system hundreds of hours of manual labor could be eliminated and accuracy could be increased.  I began reviewing different CMS platforms before selecting Drupal.  I was... [read more]

Datamaiden's picture

The Thoroughness of Drupal

Datamaiden | Drupal 7 | Expert in Drupal 7 Site Building
19 June, 2015

Drupal is a complex system.  It seems to me the scope exceeds that of other platforms, LAN, Enterprises or online platforms such as CMS, LMS, CRM I have worked with.  I have built many Drupal sites, but as I have learned this, that and the other as I went along, I have been limited in my creative abilities by all of the "holes" in my auto-didactic efforts. 

I am pleased that this course seems to fill in a lot of gaps and I feel like I am learning a more complete experience of Drupal... [read more]

DebraG's picture

The Why's and Wherefore's

DebraG | Drupal 7 | Expert in Drupal 7 Site Building
20 May, 2015

To add to my earlier post ("Tools at My Fingertips"), here's some of what I value in my Forcontu training:  (1) The course is structured to faciliate the learning curve. The folks at Forcontu are, importantly, it seems to me, masters of both Drupal AND teaching. The strategic progression of skill-mastering that Forcontu uses works.  I learned first things first and built my knowledge base step-by-step.  (2) The practical examples and exams are not only an assessment tool, they review and... [read more]

DebraG's picture

Tools at One's Fingertips

DebraG | Drupal 7 | Expert in Drupal 7 Site Building
19 May, 2015

Last year I completed the Forcontu Beginner and Intermediate Drupal 7 Certification courses (Intro and Site Building) and I'm part-way through  Advanced Certification.  I'm happy to report that I'm about to launch my first Drupal website and my training has served me well.  I'm not new to development.  I've been building websites since 2009.  I cut my teeth on WordPress, which I learned on the fly, as many developers do.  I'd compare the experience to trying to read at sea depth's of greater... [read more]

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