Drupal Training Experiences

Mateurs's picture

Experience with the Back-End Module

Mateurs | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
04 June, 2024

Thank you very much for everything Fran, “”“perfect”“” and very very very very complete the Back-End module, MG !!!! ;)

So as you once commented to me (some time ago) as always giving me a very good guide, excellent tips and solutions, .... “I still have a long way to go in Drupal but with this Back-End module, what at the time was the beginning of the first step, now if I lack something to understand and practice I see it easy, EXCELLENT COURSE ;) !!!

I thank the person who... [read more]

JoseIgnacioFernándezSeda's picture

Personal development growth in Drupal

JoseIgnacioFernándezSeda | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
02 June, 2024

Learning Drupal is a challenge, but every step I've been taking with the collaboration of these courses, colleagues, tutor, etc.. Every time I feel that I like Drupal more and more and I see all its potential, I could not have been possible the experience I have without courses or challenges that come posing the day to day. 

I recommend this course 100% once you have some experience because you absorb much more what they want to transmit. In addition to the work of the tutor, either... [read more]

JavierAlvarezGonzalez's picture

Drupal learning experience

JavierAlvarezGonzalez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
29 May, 2024

The course has pleased me very much in all aspects, coordination, material provided, attention of the teachers, I see it very complete and comfortable to wear, everything is well prepared to not lose the thread, I recommend it 100%. Concidero very practical automatic review although to say something fails sometimes, but for this, the attention of the tutors has been impeccable solucinando requests Saturdays and Sundays and unconventional schedule with extreme patience and very well explained... [read more]

prodriguez's picture

Growing with Drupal 10: A Thank You to Fran and Forcontu

prodriguez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
27 May, 2024

I would like to share my experience and highlight how much I have learned and how good I have felt during this training process.

First of all, I would like to express my sincere thanks to our tutor Fran. His in-depth knowledge and his ability to convey information in a clear and effective way have been fundamental to my learning. Fran has not only been an exceptional tutor, but has also demonstrated a level of patience and dedication that has made the entire learning process more... [read more]

cgilv's picture

Experience with drupal

cgilv | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
20 May, 2024

My Drupal course has come to an end. It has been a long but satisfying journey.

In my case I had no previous experience with Drupal. I had worked with other CMS like wordpress or prestashop, but never with Drupal.

I have done the Site Building and Backend modules with Drupal 9 and the Frontend with Drupal 10. I have to admit that the most difficult was the Backend one, but with effort and time everything comes out. This last module (Frontend), due to my previous experience in... [read more]

rgmg's picture

Learning Drupal...

rgmg | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
14 May, 2024


Almost finishing the course "Drupal 10 Site Building", it's time to summarize and comment my experience with the course.

It has been an interesting course, well organized, complete and with a high level, with a totally practical character from the beginning. And the best way to learn is through practice and corrections at the time, as it has been. All doubts have been answered and resolved immediately.

Very good course both for those who are starting out and for... [read more]

mgalve's picture

Drupal 10 Back-End Course

mgalve | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
26 April, 2024

It is a very complete course whether or not you have knowledge of Drupal.

It consists of a manual and tasks that you have to complete to consolidate your knowledge.                  

It starts with the development environment, Git, Php, Object Oriented Programming, Mysql, Symfony, Installation of Drupal 10 and examined all its content, Drush, creating modules from scratch, Testing and much more.  Of course if you have any doubts you have a tutor called Fran who I have to thank... [read more]

raulmaso's picture

A great course

raulmaso | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
08 April, 2024

A very complete drupal course, which has helped me to get out of my jam at a professional level.
I am very happy for what I learned and I am eager to start putting it all into practice.
Very grateful for the attention of my tutor during the course. Thank you for your patience and for answering all my questions during these months.
It is possible that I encourage me with other drupal courses since the way of explaining them I like a lot and also you have some notes for life.... [read more]

jllorensnavarro's picture

Perfect course to become a better drupaler

jllorensnavarro | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
03 April, 2024

This is the perfect course to get a good grounding in Drupal and discover how the "guts" of Drupal work and the immense options of customisation by code.

Maybe for someone not used to programming in PHP the first part can be a bit difficult because it is based on learning to program in pure PHP OOP without seeing anything of Drupal, but thanks to Fran and his invaluable help it becomes bearable and solves the doubts and problems quickly.

The second part, already focused on Drupal... [read more]

cyberuze's picture

Essential course to understand Drupal 10 Frontend

cyberuze | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Front-End
21 March, 2024

Perfect client-side or front-end approach to Drupal 10 with an emphasis on creating and customising templates and modules related to presentation and design. 

Overview of Javascript, Node, jQuery. Design frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation and of course basic and fundamental tools such as HTML, CSS and SASS. There is also an introduction to the PHP language in which the CMS is programmed.

The last units dedicated to web services such as ResFul, Json or Vue.js are... [read more]

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