![]() Mi experiéncia
Mateurs | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
04 August, 2023 "EXCELENTE" !!!! He hecho bastantes cursos online pero como el de FORCONTU ninguno tan formidable, sin lugar a dudas lo recomiendo, el sistema, los libros, la super buena atención de tu tutor en cualquier momento, ... y el resultado; un más que destacado dominio de cada uno de los detalles del CMS a nivel de site building, ... con muchísimo interés e ilusión para seguir con el módulo de backend ;), tengo por cierto que con los conocimientos conseguidos en este módulo ya puedo crear sitios... [leer más] |
![]() My experience
Mateurs | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
04 August, 2023 "EXCELLENT" !!!! I have done quite a few online courses but as FORCONTU none as formidable, without a doubt I recommend it, the system, the books, the super good attention of your tutor at any time, ... and the result; a more than outstanding domain of each of the details of the CMS at the level of site building, ... with a lot of interest and enthusiasm to continue with the backend module ;), I have by the way that with the knowledge gained in this module I can already create well... [leer más] |
![]() A great preparation for taking Acquia Certifications
mcastaneda | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
24 July, 2023 Studying the Forcontu Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building helped me in my preparation for taking and approving the Acquia Site Building Certification exam and become an Acquia Certified Site Builder in Drupal 10. https://certification.acquia.com/index.php/user/20821 Now, after having finished the Forcontu Expert in Drupal 10 Backend course I'm going to go for the Backend Certification. In this Backend course what... [leer más] |
![]() Experto en Site building Drupal 10
waruiaoshi | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Site Building
21 July, 2023 Una muy buena experiencia, ayudó a ver algunas diferencias con D9 y a estar conciente de algunas falencias que por el momento tiene D10. Este curso es un excelente punto de partida para el aprendizaje y el repazo de conocimiento si vienes de otras versiones de Drupal. tiene algunas cosas por mejorar pero tienen que ver directamente con fallos que aún están en el cms más que con el contenido del curso como tal, sin embargo el soporte y la gía del tutor siempre ayuda a poder... [leer más] |
![]() Expert in Site building Drupal 10
waruiaoshi | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
21 July, 2023 A very good experience, it helped to see some differences with D9 and to be aware of some shortcomings that D10 has for the moment. This course is an excellent starting point for learning and knowledge review if you come from other versions of Drupal. It has some things to improve but they have to do directly with bugs that are still in the cms rather than with the content of the course as such, however the support and guidance of the tutor always helps to achieve the objectives... [leer más] |
![]() A real discovery
cgilv | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
11 July, 2023 Until now I had never worked with drupal. I had used other CMS like wordpress or prestashop. It has been quite a discovery. This module has helped me to familiarize myself with the environment, understand how it works and see many of its possibilities, but the real challenge begins now that it is time to put what I have learned into practice. It has been an entertaining and dynamic course. The possibility of following it at the pace I needed is a plus. There are points to... [leer más] |
![]() Todo un descubrimiento
cgilv | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Site Building
09 July, 2023 Hasta ahora nunca había trabajado con drupal. Había utilizado otros CMS como wordpress o prestashop. Ha sido todo un descubrimiento. Este módulo me ha servido para familiarizarme con el entorno, comprender cómo funciona y ver muchas de sus posibilidades, pero el verdadero reto empieza ahora que toca llevar lo aprendido a la práctica. Ha sido un curso entretenido y bastante dinámico. La posibilidad de seguirlo al ritmo que yo he necesitado es un plus. Hay puntos a mejorar,... [leer más] |
![]() Expert in Drupal 9 Front-End
AlbaMariaSalomonSaenz | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Front-End
07 July, 2023 During the Drupal 9 course, I have had a great experience. I gained solid knowledge about template manipulation, the use of SASS, CSS, SCSS, JS, jQuery and other essential components such as Bootstrap. One of the most interesting aspects of the course was learning SASS/SCSS, which allowed me to organize my styles more efficiently and make them easier to maintain, and using JavaScript and jQuery to add interactivity and functionality. The course has also given me knowledge on... [leer más] |
![]() Experto en Drupal 9 Front-End
AlbaMariaSalomonSaenz | Drupal 9 | Experto en Drupal 9 Front-End
07 July, 2023 Durante el curso de Drupal 9, he tenido una gran experiencia. He adquirido conocimientos sólidos sobre la manipulación de plantillas, el uso de SASS, CSS, SCSS, JS, jQuery y otros componentes esenciales como Bootstrap. Uno de los aspectos más interesantes del curso fue el aprendizaje de SASS/SCSS, lo cual me permitió organizar mis estilos de manera más eficiente y facilitar su mantenimientoy el uso de JavaScript y jQuery para agregar interactividad y funcionalidad. El curso... [leer más] |
![]() Consolidate knowledge
libdoc | Drupal 9 | Expert in Drupal 9 Site Building
18 May, 2023 The course has been useful for me to consolidate the knowledge about Drupal that I already had, in part, by the practical way. At the same time, I have acquired new ones, thanks to the systematic and exhaustive approach that the course provides. Now, once completed, I am confident that I have touched most of the essential functions of the system, from a low-code perspective. I have the fundamentals necessary to continue deepening in this huge development that is Drupal, and I have in... [leer más] |