Drupal Training Experiences

Drupal Training Experiences

Curso completado con éxito

opantoja | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Back-End
15 August, 2024

Realmente ha sido una gran experiencia de aprendizaje este curso ya que además de profundizar en prácticamente todas las áreas del desarrollo de backend con Drupal nos da una excelente visión de cómo trabajar con backend en general. La atención de los tutores se siente bastante personalizada y siempre enfocada en ayudarte a que llegues a la solución de los ejercicios mediante tu razonamiento propio, lo cual es muy bueno. Gracias al curso ahora siento que tengo una base mucho más sólida para... [leer más]

Back-End Experience

nyla88 | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
15 August, 2024

Working on the Drupal backend has been an intense and enriching experience for me. The curriculum is structured in a way that includes check-ins, which have been important in measuring my progress. The checks, which are done at intermediate points, have ensured that I have a good understanding of basic concepts such as working with settings forms, creating themes and templates, and using Ajax and jQuery. In addition, I have had the chance to apply everything I have learned, consolidating... [leer más]

Experiencia con el Back-End

nyla88 | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Back-End
15 August, 2024

Trabajar en el backend de Drupal ha sido una experiencia intensa y enriquecedora para mí. El plan de estudios está estructurado de manera que incluye controles, los cuales han sido importantes para medir mi progreso. Los controles, que se realizan en puntos intermedios, me han asegurado que comprendo bien los conceptos básicos como el trabajo con formularios de configuraciones, la creación de temas y plantillas, y el uso de Ajax y jQuery. Además, he tenido la posibilidad de aplicar todo lo... [leer más]

Complete course

juan_florez | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Back-End
13 August, 2024

I would like to thank you for the Drupal 10 Back-End Development Expert course. It has been a real discovery for me and has given me a lot.
Throughout these months, I have learned a lot of new things and I have managed to understand things that were not clear to me before. The content has been great, the explanations very clear, and the way the course is organized has helped me to understand Drupal 10 much better.
There were some modules that were difficult for me, but thanks to... [leer más]

Curso completo

juan_florez | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Back-End
13 August, 2024

Me gustaría dar las gracias por el curso de Experto en Drupal 10 Back-End Development. Ha sido todo un descubrimiento para mí y me ha aportado muchísimo.
A lo largo de estos meses, he aprendido un montón de cosas nuevas y he conseguido entender cosas que antes no me quedaban claras. El contenido ha sido genial, las explicaciones muy claras, y la forma en que está organizado el curso me ha ayudado a entender Drupal 10 mucho mejor.
Hubo unos módulos que me presentaron dificultad,... [leer más]

Drupal Course Completed

MariaRosaRivasRey | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
09 August, 2024

My experience with the Drupal 10 course has been extremely good. Despite being fairly new to Drupal, I took on the challenge with enthusiasm. At first, I found some sections of the course quite difficult to understand, but with constant guidance and support from my tutor, I was able to overcome the obstacles and continue to progress without getting discouraged.

The course required a significant investment of time, which was a challenge in itself. However, every hour spent was worth it... [leer más]

Curso Drupal Completado

MariaRosaRivasRey | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Site Building
09 August, 2024

Mi experiencia con el curso de Drupal 10 ha sido sumamente buena. A pesar de ser bastante nula en Drupal, me enfrenté al desafío con entusiasmo. Al principio, algunas secciones del curso me resultaron bastante difíciles de comprender, pero con la guía constante y el apoyo de mi tutor, pude superar los obstáculos y continuar progresando sin desanimarme.

El curso requería una inversión significativa de tiempo, lo cual fue un desafío en sí mismo. Sin embargo, cada hora dedicada ha valido... [leer más]

Drupal 10 Site Building Course

MiguelDeLaTorreAtrio | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
06 August, 2024

Hello, good afternoon,
I have taken this 30 hours course on Drupal 10 Site Building, through the Forcontu platform and taught by the teacher Fran Gil. Previously I did not know much about this CMS and the truth is that I really liked the experience. So I hope to expand my knowledge with the next Drupal 10 Back-End and Drupal 10 Front-End courses during the months of September and October of this year. 
Having done all three courses, I hope that this is just a start, and that I can... [leer más]

Curso Drupal 10 Site Building

MiguelDeLaTorreAtrio | Drupal 10 | Experto en Drupal 10 Site Building
06 August, 2024

Hola buenas tardes,
He realizado este curso de 30 horas en Drupal 10 Site Building, a través de la plataforma de Forcontu e impartido por el profesor Fran Gil. Previamente no conocía mucho sobre este CMS y la verdad que la experiencia me ha gustado mucho. Por lo que espero ampliar mis conocimientos con los próximos cursos de Drupal 10 Back-End y Drupal 10 Front-End durante los meses de septiembre y octubre de este mismo año. 
Una vez hechos los tres cursos, espero que esto solo sea... [leer más]

Complete course

MariaIsabelHernandezMejia | Drupal 10 | Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building
24 July, 2024

Hello good afternoon, to me this course has really seemed a little difficult and in which you have to invest a lot of time, so you have to have time to be able to do it.

I have learned several things that I can use in my work day to day and it is true that the more difficult something seems the prouder you feel when you get it.

Some parts of the syllabus were hard to follow, but with the patience of the tutor you reach the goal.

To the tutor Fran GIl I would give the prize... [leer más]

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