
My Drupal10 learning experience

I have just finished all the proposed exercises, and in the absence of doing the final project I can only say that I am very satisfied with the learning experience: the manual is very complete, with very clear and useful examples, which allow you to practice everything you have studied. I have to highlight the work of the teacher, Fran, who has always been accompanying the learning process with very good recommendations and that show that he has a great knowledge of the subject, you can see that he is a great expert.

My experience

Hello, I have just sent the final project, the experience has been very satisfactory, personally I feel very fulfilled. I think it is a very complete course, as you specify that anyone even without extensive knowledge of programming can do it thanks to your books, they are very complete, both visually and theoretically. It has been a course that has required perseverance and effort, but it has been worth it, I have learned a lot, I did not expect to reach this point of being able to develop a web in Drupal without having to program.

Master in Drupal 10 General Experience

Hello, my experience now that I have reached the end of the Master has been very satisfactory. Having spent many years working only with Drupal 6 / 7 environments and applications made me lose the perspective of the new versions of Drupal that were appearing. Now that the D7 environments seem to be coming to an end, I needed a course with guarantees and that could offer me training to continue working with the new versions, in this case Drupal 10 and following.

Good experience

Now that I have almost finished the course, I have a global vision and it seems to me a good way to develop knowledge on how to build a site with Drupal from 0. The documentation is quite accurate and the activities are well guided to be able to solve them in a fairly autonomous way. 

Course experience

Drupal has always been one of the most demanded CMS and with a quite striking learning curve, with the forcontu way (Drupal 10 in this case) is a substantial difference for understanding and learning, it is very rich in knowledge throughout the program, ranging from the most general to the most specific, even for developers who have enough experience with Drupal provides details that make a difference in the day to day.

Learning experience

Good evening, I would like to share my learning experience in this wonderful course.

I am already programming with Drupal since 2018 from version 8 and I had never come across a course as complete as this one and especially in Spanish. The book is super explanatory and I love that. The mentoring is luxury always ready to lend a hand and help me, I give them a 10. I think to improve the course could generate some videos of some topics that are exposed better graphically than a pdf. But nothing I give them a 10 and I congratulate the whole team behind Forcontu. 

Drupal 10 Back-End Development Course

In my opinion about Drupal 10 Back-End Development course, is a very good course, in summary of everything seen in the course helped me to understand more about object-oriented programming, I understood some functions or code that I did not understand before and it was a little difficult for me as well as I learned new functions or things that I had not had to learn, as for Drupal 10 I also learned to do many things I did not know and some that I already knew how to do I could see that they can also be done differently and sometimes faster and improving the code.

My personal experience

After several years working with Drupal 6 and 7 I needed a guided course to make the leap to Drupal 10. It has cost me a bit since I go directly from version 7 to 10 but it was worth it. The backend programming of the old versions with respect to this new one changes a lot. With the Forcontu courses I have found a guide that goes through almost all the topics and at the same time proposes exercises related to the topic. Excellent environment to carry out the activities and proactivity of the tutors.

A great preparation for taking Acquia Certifications

Studying the Forcontu Expert in Drupal 10 Site Building helped me in my preparation for taking and approving the Acquia Site Building Certification exam and become an Acquia Certified Site Builder in Drupal 10. https://certification.acquia.com/index.php/user/20821

Now, after having finished the Forcontu Expert in Drupal 10 Backend course I'm going to go for the Backend Certification.

Expert in Site building Drupal 10

A very good experience, it helped to see some differences with D9 and to be aware of some shortcomings that D10 has for the moment.

This course is an excellent starting point for learning and knowledge review if you come from other versions of Drupal.

It has some things to improve but they have to do directly with bugs that are still in the cms rather than with the content of the course as such, however the support and guidance of the tutor always helps to achieve the objectives of each of the units covered in the study guide.


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