
Perfect course to become a better drupaler

This is the perfect course to get a good grounding in Drupal and discover how the "guts" of Drupal work and the immense options of customisation by code.

Maybe for someone not used to programming in PHP the first part can be a bit difficult because it is based on learning to program in pure PHP OOP without seeing anything of Drupal, but thanks to Fran and his invaluable help it becomes bearable and solves the doubts and problems quickly.

Essential course to understand Drupal 10 Frontend

Perfect client-side or front-end approach to Drupal 10 with an emphasis on creating and customising templates and modules related to presentation and design. 

Overview of Javascript, Node, jQuery. Design frameworks such as Bootstrap or Foundation and of course basic and fundamental tools such as HTML, CSS and SASS. There is also an introduction to the PHP language in which the CMS is programmed.

Drupal 10 Front-End Course

Forcontu's course on Drupal 10 Front End Development was great. The contents are correct, give an idea and a fairly general overview about everything related to this part of Drupal development and are explained in a simple way. I loved that we were given practical examples and exercises to practice what we learned. The online community through the forum is also very useful to solve doubts and share ideas with other students. In addition, the structure of the course was very well organized, which made it easy to follow the progress and understand the sequence of the topics.

Hard, but rewarding.

This has been a little harder than expected. Some things have been difficult... but with effort and with the help of Fran, who in some moments has shown a lot of patience, I have managed to overcome it. Finally you are left with a very good taste in your mouth.

I want to thank him for all the help he has offered. At all times he has been aware of how I was progressing and, at times, has answered very quickly, something to be grateful for in this type of course.

I am very happy with what I have learned and I am eager to start putting it all into practice.

Experience in Drupal 10 Course - Front End

I recently had the opportunity to enroll in a Front End with Drupal 10 course, and I must say that it exceeded my expectations in terms of its educational value and the depth of knowledge it provided. Throughout the course, I was able to gain a comprehensive understanding of Front End capabilities and how to leverage them effectively.

One aspect that really stood out for me was the course's emphasis on hands-on learning. The course provided hands-on exercises and real-world examples that allowed me to apply what I learned in a meaningful way.

My experience in the Drupal 10 course (SiteBuilding)

I find the course very instructive, whether you have previous knowledge of Drupal or not. You can learn a lot and / or review content that you already knew but adding small details no less important that you overlooked. Where I could learn the most is in the sections of Drupal views, I was personally lacking of knowledge in that area.

Excellent to start with!

I can say, without being embarrassed, that I started from scratch in this course. I didn't know how to create a content type or blocks and even less I had worked with views using contextual filters from a Drupal point of view. Although by that time I felt more confident because of my previous knowledge of Database. To all this new knowledge was incorporated a whole new philosophy of work, where the modules were surprising me more and more with its benefits to make the activities more practical and faster.

Great Drupal Expert Course

My experience with the Drupal 10 Expert course, site Building is very satisfactory, it has allowed me to acquire new knowledge, both theoretical and practical.

On the other hand, I must highlight the great availability of the teacher and the speed in correcting and giving solutions to the problems that we can find when doing the activities proposed in each of the topics.

Very practical and useful course to get started in the world of Drupal.

Great course to get started in the world of Drupal. The Expert Drupal 10 Site Building course in particular is quite comprehensive, well structured and concise. In addition to the theoretical explanations, the course shows many practical examples and the proposed tasks help you to consolidate the theoretical knowledge acquired through the development of these.

Good course to get into the Drupal world.

It is a very complete course that helps you to know all the corners of Drupal site building. It is a very good way to learn the Drupal interface and all the features it offers. It has its own guide book throughout the course.


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